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Are you are getting ready to sell your home? Or would you like to make some updates to your home for your own enjoyment? Whether you want to make your home more attractive to potential buyers. Or want to make changes for yourself. There are some current exterior home trends that are popular across the country, and here in our own backyard of northern Michigan.

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Amazing Front Porches

Outdoor living space is not just important in the back yard. A welcoming front porch feels gracious and inviting to anyone walking up to your door. If you have the space to add some comfy seating and a small table that is a great way to dress up the space. Even if your front porch is nothing more than a stoop, you can add a welcome sign and a plant or small potted shrub to make it feel more intentional and a part of the home décor.

Pops of Color

A fun trend that we have seen around the country, and here in Cadillac, is an unexpected pop of color on home exteriors. Painting a front door or exterior wooden shutters an unexpected hue like mint or yellow adds a unique touch. These small and unexpected additions of color are easy and economical to add and help your home stand out to buyers.

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Beautiful Garage Doors

We cannot forget the garage! Garages are a huge visual part of a home and we love when home owners embrace more decorative doors. From carriage house style to opaque glass, an eye-catching door turns the garage into a beautiful part of your home’s exterior. If you prefer the standard garage door, make sure that yours is free of damage. Even the most beautiful home can lose some curb appeal if the garage door is obviously damaged.

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Mixed Materials

 There has been a swing towards mixed materials on the exterior of the home. Back in the 1920’s and 1930’s the use of mixed materials was extremely popular, and the trend seems to be coming back around. Some current combinations that are very popular is the mix of stone and stucco or brick and siding. Combining building materials in siding, roofing and accents is visually interesting and can help your home stand out in your neighborhood.

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If you are planning to sell your home in the future it is important to know the facts about selling in the Cadillac area. Currently, the average time homes sit on the market _from listing to closed sale is 80 days and the average number of homes on the market at any given time varies, but currently in all categories there are 115 active properties in Wexford County. A memorable exterior can grab buyer attention and help you stand out in the crowd.

The exterior of your home makes the first and often biggest impression to a home buyer. A beautiful exterior sets the tone for buyers before they set foot inside. Even if you plan to live in your house for years to come having a beautiful exterior is great for your neighborhood identity and gives you more reason to love your home.
